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Life after STUBE - als Absolvent in Deutschland

This event has only 3 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 3 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 3 to avoid being put on the waiting list.

Online registration for Stube-Seminar

If you have already an account, please log in first. Otherwise register a new account before you proceed with event registration. In this case you have a login with username and password and you won't have to insert your personal data for future registrations.

If this probably is the only event you want to participate you can also proceed without an account.

 (including yourself)
Stube participant
On which university do you study?
Your course of studies
Please tell us your nationality. We need this information for accounting purpose.
Tell us which language you can use/understand in the seminar? Please add languages and the levels.
In welcher Sprache kannst Du dem Seminar folgen? In which language may you follow the event?
Stube-Seminar Neu

Please give us some more informations about registration, arrival and accommodation.

Bitte nenne uns Deine Mobilnummer - das kann für uns sehr hilfreich für die Anreise oder kurzfristige Fragen sein. - Please tell us your mobil number - this might be very helpful to organise the journey and urgent questions in advance.
This is the kind of food I like:
I have alimentary incompatibilities / Allergien
Darum möchte ich beim Seminar dabei sein / for this reason I like to participate:
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